Cirrus Primary Academy Trust



At Avenue Primary Academy we believe that we have a responsibility to build on children’s natural curiosity, awe and wonder of the world in which they live through systemic science teaching. We aim to equip our children with the knowledge, methods and skills necessary to question their world; investigate how and why things happen as they do; and be able to confidently explain their reasoning through science that is challenging, investigative and fun! We constantly strive to improve our practice and have been awarded the gold Primary Science Quality Mark. 

The aim of our science curriculum is to provide coherent and well-sequenced lessons that have ambitious learning goals for all our pupils, with regards to both skill and understanding. Lessons are planned with careful consideration for all learners in the classroom, building up from those who may struggle in science to those who work at greater depth. This is achieved through a layered learning approach. Children are aware of the direction of their science learning and find this motivating.  

We give children opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding of scientific phenomena explicitly and in a sequential way so this can be built upon and developed. Children also have ample opportunity to develop scientific skills, alongside their knowledge and understanding, so they can become effective, young scientists. The hands-on opportunities planned for in our curriculum allow pupils to apply their understanding and skills to set up investigations, create models and observe scientific changes. 


We ensure that science is diverse for all pupils’ needs and backgrounds. Children have access to the resources they need to explore their environment and conduct experiments. A range of scientists from different backgrounds have been linked to the National Curriculum units taught in each key stage. Children will develop and practice their scientific skills through carefully planned opportunities that allow them to apply and embed knowledge. Teachers will also provide extra-curricular opportunities through Genius Time, clubs and trips.  

Within each unit children will experience a range of learning techniques. For example, they will experience didactic teaching where children are explicitly taught the language they need to communicate effectively as scientists. However, predominantly children will be given opportunities to embed and develop this language as they begin to explore the scientific concepts. Children will be given opportunities to draw, write and reason with their scientific knowledge as well as, become increasingly hands-on through building their own models or setting up investigations. As science progresses across the school, children are given less scaffolding and more autonomy over planning their investigations. Teachers provide opportunity for research, real life experience (where possible) and provide carefully considered models to enable understanding of the more abstract concepts. 

The teaching staff are aware of the different abilities for science in the classroom and, through careful planning and preparation, implement strategies to support and extend. This may include:  

  • Layered learning where children can progress within a lesson at a pace suited to their learning level  
  • Open ended activities  
  • Use of mixed ability grouping or pairing  
  • Availability of specific resources  


Science at Avenue Primary Academy has a strong and positive impact on the pupils. Through a broad and balanced science curriculum, children acquire the necessary language, concepts and skills set out in the National Curriculum. The work conducted in class is appropriate to the Key Stage and provides a variety of experiences for the children, which enable all to make good progress by consolidating their knowledge and key skills. These experiences also allow children to develop positive attitudes about the subject and its value to their lives and the world. Children leave Avenue Primary Academy with the scientific skills and knowledge that will permit them to be ready for their transition into secondary educationand for life as an adult.

The curriculum overview shows the learning that will take place in science in each year group. The roadmaps show the progression of skills in science as children move through the school.  

Science Curriculum Overview

EYFS & KS1 Scientific Knowledge RoadmapEYFS & KS1 Working Scientifically RoadmapY3 & Y4 Scientific Knowledge RoadmapY3 & Y4 Working Scientifically RoadmapY5 & Y6 Scientific Knowledge RoadmapY5 & Y6 Working Scientifically Roadmap