Cirrus Primary Academy Trust


Please find below, more information on the accrediations Avenue Primary has been awarded.


EdurioCirrus Primary Academy Trust has been awarded the Trust Value Award by Edurio and has achieved the enviable position of being in the top ten multi academy trusts in England.

This award recognises excellence in creating environments where staff feel confident in the value of being part of the trust. The CEO of Endurio states, 'The achievement highlights the importance of a supportive community where staff feel appreciated and aligned with the trust's mission.'

Healthy Early Years

Healthy early yearsWe are pleased to hold a bronze level Healthy Early Years London (HEYL) award. This award recognises the achievements that our Nursery and Reception classes have made in child health, wellbeing and development. At Avenue we promote a ‘healthy start to life’ throughout our setting because all children have the right to be healthy. We provide a healthy snack and discuss the importance of a balanced diet with our pupils. We promote keeping our teeth clean and sing songs to help encourage brushing teeth. Using our outside areas for play has many benefits, including improving physical health and gross motor skills. We design our activities to provide children with opportunities for cognitive development. Our pupils learn about their wellbeing and use their ‘Calm Spaces’ to help regulate their feelings and emotions. Elements from the HEYL award is closely linked with our curriculum and embedded in our daily practice.

History Quality Mark

History Quality Mark

At Avenue Primary Academy, we are proud to have been awarded the silver Quality Mark by the Historical Association; this award recognises the excellence of our history provision at the school.   

Our approach to teaching history aims to stimulate pupils’ interest and understanding about the life of people who lived in the past as well as enabling them to develop a sense of identity and a cultural understanding based on their own historical heritage. Teaching our pupils to understand how events in the past have influenced our lives today as well as enabling them to investigate these past events through enquiry based learning ensures that they become independent and inquisitive learners.

Our experience of the History Quality Mark process was very positive; the assessor said that she enjoyed speaking to pupils about their learning and seeing their enthusiasm for history as well as looking at their work, observing history lessons and hearing about the enhanced opportunities that are available at the school.

IQM Centre of Excellence

Iqm centre of excellence

Avenue Primary Academy has been awarded the reaccreditation of the IQM Centre of Excellence Award 2024-2025. Only 240 schools in the whole of the UK have met the required standard for excellence in Inclusion and best practices.

“The school has undergone a great deal of change and building to allow for welcoming children from all abilities including those with special educational needs. There is a genuine desire to not only provide a rich curriculum but to ensure that it is accessible and enables all to thrive. Avenue’s inclusive practices through championing diversity and aligning this to its overarching aim of health and wellbeing for all are evident across all areas of this very large school. From the outset, there was no doubt that every member of staff subscribes to the ethos of inclusion. The Senior Leadership Team expressed this in their unwavering appreciation of diversity, alongside health and wellbeing which they see as being at the heart of every decision for the pupils and their families. They are relentless in their promotion of the highest standards in every aspect of school life.” 

IQM Inclusive School

Iqm inclusive school

Avenue Primary Academy fully met the required standards to be awarded the Inclusion Quality Mark's Inclusive School Award July 2023. The school was also recommended to apply for the Centre of Excellence status during this assessment.

“The school takes a holistic approach to education that empowers staff to provide a varied and balanced educational diet to children based on their individual needs. Equality and diversity are promoted through a fully inclusive curriculum where children are supported to access lessons through suitable scaffolding. Further to this, therapeutic activities are woven into lessons and playtimes in addition to the statutory provision outlined in any EHCPs.

There is an impressively strong relationship between specialist staff and mainstream staff. Base teachers provide mainstream colleagues with ideas, resources and knowledge to ensure children with ASD are supported in the mainstream. Mainstream colleagues mirror this support to assist staff in the Base. Staff and children benefit hugely from this symbiotic relationship which engenders a sense of belonging for all. This approach to planning also ensures that the children in the Base access the same breadth of experiences as their mainstream counterparts but at an appropriate level.”

Rights Respecting Gold

Rights Respecting Schools“It was evident that children’s rights are embedded across the school and underpin every facet of school life.”

At Avenue Primary we are proud to hold the gold level Rights Respecting Schools Award. We value the importance of children understanding their rights from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child as this supports their wellbeing and education.

Our students are given opportunities to reflect on rights respecting across the world and many are passionate about promoting children’s rights on a global level. Learning about current world events in the news and linking these to children’s rights helps our pupils to appreciate different circumstances that other children live in, encouraging them to become understanding citizens who advocate for children’s rights.

We have Rights Respecting Representatives from Years 1-6 who help to promote Rights Respecting within their classrooms.

Our Academy Rights underpin our classroom practice and are taught to children of all ages in our school.

The right to be heard

The right to be protected

The right to be safe

The right to be healthy

The right to an education

The right to be treated fairly

Sports Games Award - Gold

School Games Mark   Gold

Wellbeing Award for Schools
