Cirrus Primary Academy Trust

Base Curriculum

We provide a rich and engaging curriculum which develops a love of learning in our pupils and encourages them to develop key learning skills such as attention, resilience and collaboration.

Trailblazer and Exporer Base:

Within our bases, we promote the embedded approach to therapy rather than solely withdrawing pupils for therapy sessions. This means our Speech and Language and Occupational Therapists work with us to embed approaches, resources and therapy programmes into our curriculum and learning environment so that pupils receive this input all the time from all members of the base team.  For example, this has led to the rooting of Zones of Regulation at the heart of our support for pupils in regulating their emotions.  It has also developed our classroom support of grammar and sentence structure, both orally and written, with the Colourful Semantics approach.

Using the child’s EHCP long term targets as our ultimate goal, we set challenging, appropriate short term and yearly targets which focus on all areas of the child’s development.  We track, assess and report small steps of progress, including in areas of need common to the diagnosis of Autism.  Collectively, these elements combine to ensure we are preparing pupils for their own pathway to adulthood.


Trailblazer Base:

We expose them to exciting and enriching learning opportunities so they can progress through EYFS and National Curriculum at their own, appropriate level and pace. We offer a broad curriculum which incorporates the teaching of life skills, emotional regulation, social interaction and life skills.

54e47120124344ff927aa1d6d53cac88 1x1Our broad curriculum starts in our Reception classes with our ‘Learning to Learn’ approach which teaches early learning skills through engaging and highly structured activities. The Attention Autism model underpins this approach as we develop pupils' attention, listening, co-operation and communication skills.  Our approach to supporting learning progresses through all our National Curriculum classes, where pupils access a curriculum which mirrors the national curriculum; using texts from a range of genres and is driven by the children’s interests. Learning is often in groups and pupils are encouraged to work independently for extended periods of time.  




Explorer Base:

Explorer Base pupils are on the Engagement Model pathway. For this pathway we provide a curriculum that reflects the needs of the whole child. The Engagement model curriculum aims to prepare our learners for adulthood by offering functional and personalised learning to enable them to hold a positive place in their community. The curriculum has a strong foundation of life skills and promoting independence in our pupils, by providing real-life opportunities for the pupils to feel part of and understand their community and wider world as well and encouraging social communication and opportunities to apply these skills in their local community.

    Staff support pupils and break and lunchtime to develop social skills, communication 
    and self-care such as feeding, hygiene etc.

    SaLT and OT therapists liaise very closely with staff and therefore we are able to offer
    embedded therapy approach where SaLT and OT is delivered throughout our 
    curriculum as well as providing the targeted and specialist support as described in
    Section F of each child’s EHCP.
    As part of our provision, we also have a Sensory Room in each classroom, a sensory
    integration room, plus outdoor equipment to support pupils individual needs.