Year 3
Welcome to Year 3
This is where children begin their journey in Key Stage 2. In Year 3, we learn about Awesome Egyptians, Groovy Greeks and Extreme Earth along with lots of other exciting topics. We are also lucky enough to put on a Christmas Show. One of our favourite parts of Year 3 is our visit to the Natural History Museum in London.
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Please find below our Curriculum Overview, Medium Term Topic Planners and Knowledge Organisers. These show the knowledge and skills that the children learn while in Year 3.
Autumn 1 Awesome Egyptions
Autumn 1 Medium Term PlannerArt - ScultpureComputing - Coding sequences and animationGeography - EgyptHistory - Ancient EgyptiansMusicMusic GlockenspielsRE How does faith help us?
Autumn 2 Protect our Planet
Autumn 2 Medium Term PlannerArt CollageComputing - SpreadsheetsDT Recycled Gift BagGeography - Energy SourcesMusicMusic GlockenspielsRE Christianity Key PeopleScience Magnets and Forces
Spring 1 Mirror Mirror
Spring 1 Medium Term PlannerArt - Still lifeComputing - Presenting in PowerpointDT - Shadow PuppetsMusicMusic - GlockenspielsRE - Islam Key People and WritingsScience - Light
Spring 2 Extreme Earth
Spring 2 Medium Term PlannerArt - PrintingComputing - Fixing Computer BugsGeography - Volcanoes and EarthquakesHistory - Mary AnningMusicMusic - GlockenspielsRE - Christianity WritingsScience - Rocks
Summer 1 Happy Healthy Me
Summer 1 Medium Term PlannerArt - Henry MooreComputing - EmailDT - Healthy DipMusicMusic - Glockenspiels
RE - Judaism Key People and PlacesScience Animals including Humans