Cirrus Primary Academy Trust



At Avenue Primary Academy we believe that Computing  teaches an understanding of not only how to use a range of hardware and software but also  an understanding of a range concepts like the Internet, algorithms  and Data networks.  Computing skills are hugely important  for  pupils both in school and in later life  so it is highly important that pupils are computer literate.  We start with  fundamentals  of computing  (hardware use)  in EYFS and KS1  and move on to  higher  concept  ideas in  KS2.   We are an inclusive school. We set high expectations and recognise the importance of accurate and regular assessment in order to support individuals at every part of their learning journey in whatever circumstances.  



Pupils use a wide range of ICT equipment including cameras, CD players and programmable toys in addition to iPads and interactive whiteboards. Pupils learn based on first-hand experiences that encourage exploration, experimentation, observation, problem solving, prediction, critical thinking, decision-making and discussion.  Pupils recognise that a range of technology is used in places such as homes and schools. They select and use technology for a purpose.  

KS1 and KS2  

We have a topic-based curriculum. Computing is taught in discrete weekly lessons but linked to the topic when relevant. There is a focus on computational thinking and creativity, as well as opportunities for creative work in programming and digital media. The curriculum is split between three strands: Computer Science (CS), Information Technology (IT) and Digital Literacy (DL), which are outlined below.   

Computer Science (CS): This strand focuses on understanding how computer software is constructed. This involves programming and control. Pupils learn about understanding algorithms, debugging and logical  reasoning. In addition, pupils are taught to understand basic Internet infrastructure including what a network is and how search engines work.   

Information Technology (IT): This strand focuses on the application of hardware and software to ensure that pupils are computer literate  and have access to,  and the knowledge to use,  computer systems confidently and effectively. Pupils are taught to understand and use a variety of hardware including iPads, chrome books, laptops and desktop computers. Additionally, pupils are taught the  simple use of word processing, spreadsheet and presentation software.   

Digital Literacy (DL): This stand focuses on the safe application of digital technology for communication both inside and outside of school. Pupils are taught how to use digital technology in a responsible way. This includes understanding the opportunities that computers offer for communication, how to report concerns about online content and how to keep personal information private and secure. This strand is linked closely to e-safety and is essential in instructing pupils to use digital technology in a responsible way.   

Each strand is broken down into a series of objectives. Each objective is designed to help pupils develop their skills and knowledge within those strands. Additionally, the objectives progress with each year group to build on previous learning and understanding. The curriculum is mapped out in this way to show clear skill progression within each strand and across year groups.   

Our planning and teaching are focused on ensuring that pupils’ gaps are addressed so that they can keep up with their peers and achieve age-related expectations. We provide suitable learning opportunities for all pupils by providing access to a range of different technologies and by matching the challenge of each task to the ability and experience of the pupil. We do this in a variety of ways:  

  • Differentiating each lesson to include a  layered success criteria, which is presented as ‘must’, ‘should’ and ‘could’ objectives to the pupils. This has two purposes.  Firstly, it provides pupils with the opportunity to challenge themselves and secondly it allows teachers to directly assess which pupils have not met the learning objective, which pupils have met the learning objective and which pupils are exceeding the learning objective.  
  • Providing pupils with scaffolding, which can take the form of how to guides or adult support.   
  • Putting pupils in mixed ability groups or pairs so that they can support each other.   

Each class within the school has a weekly allowance of 60 minutes  with our mobile devices. The use of this technology is to enable teachers to deliver the discrete Computing curriculum. The Chromebooks or iPads can also  be  booked  out  for  additional time if needed. To enable greater provision of a cross curricular approach to Computing, class teachers are also able to make use of additional technology on the iPads and Chromebooks.  


All pupils should be proficient across all 3 strands of the computing curriculum (Computer Science, Information  Technology and Digital  Literacy).  In  addition,  pupils will understand how to use a variety of computing  hard ware  and  software.  We  ensure that computing is accessible to all pupils  by teaching a diverse  curriculum with a range of equipment.  We focus on  teaching  pupils the basic  functionalities on a range of devices.  Computing  provides the opportunity to access a wide range of computing equipment and software, to understand a range of  computing  concepts and be able to explain them confidently and  clearly, using technical  vocabulary  accurately.   

The curriculum overview shows the learning that will take place in computing in each year group. The roadmaps show the progression of skills in computing as children move through the school.  

Computing Curriculum OverviewEYFS & KS1 Computing RoadmapY3 & Y4 Computing RoadmapY5 & Y6 Computing Roadmap